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PPE Mercury Drag/F1 Slide Intake System

PPE Mercury Drag/F1 Slide Intake System

SKU: 1dsi

The PPE slide replaces all Mercury 2.5 Liter crankcase injected (horn motors) with a slide intake system, with weight saving over the competition (3 lbs. less), and optimized to produce maximum vacuum at low speeds.


Comes complete with everything needed to convert from a horn & plenum to slide including Intake, Throttle rod, Bolts, ECU bracket, ECU fittings, Regulator mount and detailed instructions.


We have dyno tested, boat tested, flow bench tested and even Computational fluid dynamics tested every conceivable intake geometry to offer you by far the best performing intake on the market.


Our slide intake has been of the boats of the last 7 F1H2O World Champions.


When used with our ECU the calibration we made specifically for our slide intake  along with our throttle pedal on lake boats allows you to have the performace of our slide intake with the fuel economy and drivabilty of a horn itake.


Please specify the desired color when ordering. Available anodized in red, blue, black or raw aluminum finish.

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