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Aim MXT massive 10" color data logger

Aim MXT massive 10" color data logger

SKU: 331mxt

AiM MXT F1 Tunnel / Drag Boat Race Kit

SKU: 135mxsk

This is a complete F1 tunnel / drag race boat setup kit that includes:

  • MXT massive 10’’ COLOR Data Logger
  • Fuel Pressure Sensor (with AN fittings and harness)
  • Water Pressure sensor (with fittings, tube, and harness)
  • Mercury ECU interface
  • Port and Starboard EGT Sensors for exhaust plate installation (with harness)
  • Aluminum o-ringed caps to seal unused ports
  • Aux harness/ for ECU interface


The Aim MXT is the largest professional data logger made by Aim with built-in GPS functionality. It is a modular system, so it can be expanded with your data logging requirements.


The MXT allows for logging parameters from your ECU via CAN, Serial/RS232, or OBD2 to include in your logging reports. Over 500 ECUs are supported including the Mercury 2.5L ECU (both new and old), and OptiMax and Mercury 4 stroke products.


The external GPS module allows for 0.1MPH resolution of your speed as well as analysis of launch speeds and cornering speeds.


This tied into your engine parameters allows you to compare prop and boat setups definitively. It's no longer a debate over how good you are with a stopwatch.


  • External GPS providing speed and time times
  • Internal 3-axis accelerometer
  • ECU connection
  • 8 built-in channel inputs
  • Channel expanders available
  • Compatible with thermocouples for EGTs

Our kit systems come pre-assembled and configured. These are turn-key, ready to go systems. Unlike everyone else who puts on a new shipping label directly from AiM, we take the time to set up and verify each system for your particular application, all for the same price.

We have over 20 years selling and supporting Aim data systems.


For hassle-free setup, use THIS complete kit as it includes everything you need for a plug-n-play setup.

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